Winter weather in New England is unpredictable, to say the least. We can go from no snow in sight to 10 or more inches overnight. Dealing with snow storms – and more importantly, with snow removal – is a big challenge for most of us. To successfully clear a driveway or walkway, it often takes hours of shoveling to get the job done and can easily create lots of body aches and pains. Low back pain is a very common complaint post shoveling, due to the repetitive and physically taxing nature of lifting and throwing snow.
But there is some good news: there are ways to limit the amount of stress we put on our backs while shoveling snow, and things we can do in case we find ourselves with some back discomfort. First, here are some simple tips to limit the amount of stress we put on our backs while shoveling:
- Before bending forward to scoop the snow, be aware of how you are getting there. Think of a “squat stance” where you are bending from your hips and keeping your chest lifted.
- To lift the snow, think about using the strength of both the buttock and quad muscles to do the work of lifting your body from that squatting position. These strong muscles can sustain the load of snow much more effectively than the muscles of your lower back in a forward bent position.
- Once the snow is in your shovel, you must avoid twisting your body to throw the snow. The motion must come from pivoting your feet and facing the direction you are putting the snow.
- Take frequent breaks. Staying in a forward bent position for extended periods of time is physically taxing on the musculature of your back. Give yourself time while shoveling to put down your shovel and stand up straight, even stretching yourself backward.
You finally got the job done and walk inside to warm up. It’s then you realize that your lower back is becoming increasingly painful! You have most likely irritated one of your discs. Disc pain is most often due to micro-trauma in the annulus (the dough portion of the jelly donut analogy.) There is a wealth of biomechanical data which has shown us that flexion of the low back – losing the curve in your low back by flattening or rounding it forward – is the primary cause of micro-trauma. We also know that combining flexion and rotation is just as harmful if not worse. The treatment for this type of pain is extremely effective for 80-90% of people who experience it, but it is counterintuitive because it often involves bending or stretching in the direction of the pain. Try these simple exercises if you find yourself with a sore back after shoveling:
- First, try some standing back bends. Put your hands on your hips, and try to push yourself back just to the point where your back feels a little stiff and then return to an upright standing position. Try to stretch backward for 10 or so repetitions to see if it will loosen. If this doesn’t immediately relieve your symptoms, try again in 15-20 minutes.
- If your pain is just on one side, try bending toward the side of your pain. Again, perform this move about 10 times, returning to a standing position after each repetition.
- If you like relaxing on your favorite soft chair, put a couple of pillows behind you to maintain the natural arch in your lower back. This way the lower back maintains the neutral position, and you are reinforcing proper posture even in a relaxed position.
- If you are able, try to lie on your stomach. This is the easiest way to maintain the natural curve of the lumbar spine while staying in a relaxed position. Think about watching television like a little kid, lying on your stomach with your head propped on pillows or your elbows.
Last but not least, after performing these stretches, your back may feel tight. It is very important that you resist the urge to stretch forward. This may feel good initially, but you are setting yourself up for additional back discomfort created by disc irritation. You should also not perform knee to chest stretching or bending forward. Instead, use ice, heat or topical pain ointment in the near term to help with tight or sore muscles in your back.
Here are some other helpful videos and articles:
Why Discs Hurt?
Dr. Stuart McGill – Spine flexion exercise: Myths, Truths and Issues affecting health and performance